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Theresa King

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Carson Jazz Fest
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Peace Cover Lamert 2018
Theresa Speaking in Jamaica (2)
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For more than 30 years our founder Theresa King has provided support for non-profit agencies across the US as well as internationally. In the LA county area, she has personally helped more than 200 non-profits to start food distribution programs, provided in-kind goods and free consulting services to agencies who are making a difference in the lives of the underprivileged in society. She has also helped with the planning of community events, toy drives, fund raising and more. She has selflessly given herself to the betterment of others and during this COVID 19 epidemic, she and our “Eradicate The Hate” volunteers have answered the call. If you would like to volunteer, please email or call us 323-812-4428 to get involved and donate today!

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Congresswomen Maxine Waters

and Laura Richardson

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Theresa, Maxine Waters and Laura Richard

Zira McCloud, Ingelwood Mayor Butts, and WizMon


Andrew  Williams and Congresswoman Diane Watson

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Queen Theresa King In the Spotlinght wit
Human rights and Eradicate the hate fina

All In Snoops Family

Snoop's Mom Beverly and Dad's Sister Aunt Dina

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Women Empowerment

Because I experienced a marriage full of severe domestic violence, I have helped create safe environments where women can get the support and be empowered to be over comers in life. 


Meet Ola Mae Jones

I have been caring for seniors for as long as I can remember. Having my first experience at the age of 11,  I have been a life long advocate for senior care, being recognized by community leaders for my effort. Meet Ola Mae Jones, my friend of over 30 years. She has Alzheimer's  and was wise enough to put herself in my care over 10 years ago. She is now 91 years old, healthy and happy!!

Feeding the Needy

 I started cooking and feeding the homeless over 25 years ago. I also started receiving bread from the grocery stores and distributed it to non-profits in the community. Now I am blessed to have a team of people working in the community distributing food to thousands of families a year. 

Inspiring youth to discover the creator within themselves.

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Kelvin Anderson, Owner VIP Records

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Organizing, Planning and Supporting Community Events for more than 30 years

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Article from Jamaica Gleaner

Spiritual Retreat

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to a congressional prayer breakfast

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Dr. Adrian Dove

Founder of MLK Day Parade

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Random Acts of Kindness


Being the mother of a disabled daughter, I know what it is like to have to deal with hospitals and debt. I have also lost love ones to illnesses that could have been prevented. Because of these challenges, I challenged myself to do the research and applications to get healthy, and teach others how to do get healthy as well. 

Meet Daniel! I met him when I was getting out of my car coming from loading a truck to go to the Hopi Reservation. I was extremely tired as I tried not to notice him sitting on the grass in front of my apartment complex, rubbing his blistered feet. Turned out he did not have a jacket, any shoes or money, and had walked from Orange County. I just so happen to have a matching backpack, sleeping bag, snacks and all the toothpaste and soap the  Native Americans didn't want in my trunk. I went upstairs to my apartment and found a leather male's jacket that had been hanging up for years. I called a neighbor who happen to wear the same size shoes as Daniel, and he donated his nearly new Eddie Bower shoes. I gave him money to get food and catch the train. He said he was trying to get to downtown LA but now that he has everything he needs, he would find him a spot in the area and get some rest. God Supplies All Of Our Needs!

(323) 812-4428

Los Angeles County, CA, USA


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