Entrepreneurs in Business

Theresa King, President
Known for her ability to provide support to non-profit organizations, Theresa has supported more than 200 community service agencies. She has made a great impact for a functional society and a better equality of life for the underprivileged. She is the 2006 Recipient of the Congressional Community Pride Award and the 2003 Outstanding Businesswoman of the Year for the Long Beach Chapter of the American Businesswoman’s Association, amongst others.

Erma Dina Venardo, Secretary
Erma D. Veranardo was the secretary of the Long Beach Mayor’s office for more than 25 years. That is enough for secretarial qualifications! Now a successful Costume Designer and the Auntie of rap artist Snoop Dog, she is bringing to the table a wealth of skills and connections!

Bobbie Smith, Vice President
Bobbie Smith is a living legend in the City of Long Beach. She has served as head librarian at Long Beach City College for 22 years. She was the first black female to become faculty senate member and president. She served 4 terms as the President of the Long Beach Unified School District School Board. The Bobbie Smith Elementary School is named in her honor, and it is an honor to have her involved with the development and creation of Eradicate The Hate.

Thiresha Johnson, Treasurer
Thiresha Johnson has worked as the executive assistant to two vice presidents of the Toyota Corporation and the executive assistant to the Vice President of Anthem Blue Cross, presently sharing those responsibilities, while covering the western region of the United States, overseeing 500 sales reps and managing millions of dollars.